To easy the process of buying and selling between people with cheapest prices.
To be part of the society and help improving people life
Souq Hartna is a unique app that allows people to buy and sell their own products new or used. Moreover, people in same areas can know about available products and services, which allow people to interact together without the need to drive or travel long distances to get their favourite items.
Souq Hartna is a unique app that allows people to buy and sell their own products new or used. Moreover, people in same areas can know about available products and services, which allow people to interact together without the need to drive or travel long distances to get their favourite items.
A private company established 2020 in Jordan. We develop mobile apps that help support our societies and provide unique services.
Improve your business with one click
If you are marketing specific products in one business type
If you are marketing several products under your business name
Keep your brand shining everywhere
The App is downloaded and used for free.
No one can see these info unless you share them by your self.